
Level 2 - Nouns & Verbs

Level Two
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Was: $99.75
Now: $84.95
UPC: 6.92937E+11
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Appropriate For: Kids & Children with a Vocabulary of 20 words or more not yet speaking in sentences. Our sets are created to take the guesswork out of picking the right products for your child.  Nouns and Verbs is designed for kids with more than 20 words but not yet speaking in sentences. The set includes 5 DVDs that introduce over 100 nouns & verbs . 





Customer Reviews

Reviewed by Bev M, 12/06/2012

My daughter is 2 years and two months, but her speech hadn't really taken off like we were hoping. I take some of the blame, since it's just me and her during the day, and I'm not the most talkative person on the planet. She didn't have the biggest of vocabularies. When she wanted more milk or juice, she simply hit me in the leg with her cup, lol. Our pediatrician was really getting concerned, although I knew she was ok.

We've had the Baby Bumblebee DVD's for less than a week, and she's already learned about 90% of the first one. My husband and I are already talking about trading it in for the second. It's also seeming to make her more receptive to things not on the DVD. For example, a few days ago and for the first time, she handed me her cup and said, "All gone." I'm just stunned by the improvement we've seen in her since we started working with her on the video.

I can't leave her alone with the videos, however. When I did that one day to sneak in a shower, I came out to find her playing with her kitten and paying no attention to the video. I think it helps if I'm there to redirect her attention to the TV. But it's really peaceful to put her and her infant sister in front of the video for half an hour each day and catch up on a bit of knitting while I act excited about the video. ("Oooh, look! It's a firetruck/teddy bear/baby!")

Seriously, Audrey's vocabulary has increased by 50% since we started with Baby Bumblebee. Thank you so much for providing me with a tool to get her to start talking!

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